stop motion animation illustrated by Beth Spencer

Introvert Drawing Club is a community of artists drawing, learning, and growing together.

How is it different?

Along with prompts and drawing demos, you’ll get accountability check-ins and live sessions so you can implement what we’re learning, have fun, and get results!

What do you get with a paid membership? *

✏️ Twice monthly live sessions - we practice together on Zoom, sometimes with guest artist cohosts who teach their favorite tips and techniques!

✏️ Weekly prompts & check-ins - tools to avoid distraction and grow drawing skills and positive habits.

✏️ Unlimited access to session replays and this awesome library of drawing demos!

✏️ Access to the community chat - feedback, support, and accountability.

*Also, a bonus surprise!*

✏️ The Friday newsletter with:

  • Weekly drawing prompts

  • Mindfulness activities to keep your inner critic in check

  • Recommendations for materials to keep you excited to write, draw, and paint!

Check out the contents page for a pretty list of posts categorized by topic.

Come and go as you please. You can pause or return to a free subscription any time.

six sketchbooks with illustrations by Beth Spencer on a brown table

What do you get with a free membership?

✏️ The Friday newsletter with:

a cute kitten and turtle illustration by Beth Spencer

If you asked my dogs about me, they’d say, “She’s always got her nose in a sketchbook.”

  • My last full-time job was as a photographer and graphic designer.

  • My author/illustrator debut picture book publishes in 2025!

  • I have a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.

  • Drawing takes me back to the fun parts of being a kid, so I bring a sketchbook everywhere. My favorite drawing places are the local zoo, library, rock shows, and animal shelters.

I’d love to see you at the next session!🐢

What to expect in drawing sessions

We meet on Zoom. I share my screen, and we draw from reference images against a timer, so there’s no overthinking. There’s no requirement to speak or switch your camera on. You’re can ignore the timer or work on your projects if they call to you.

Sometimes, I incorporate a fun word game, prompt, or demo. Once a month, we have wonderful guest artist cohosts!

You can:

  • Share all, some, or none of your drawings at the end.

  • Ask questions.

  • Meet friends.

  • Learn tips, techniques, and get support!

Subscribe to Introvert Drawing Club

Playful drawing sessions for everyone. 🌻 Weekly art prompts, tips, and illustration techniques from a kind, creative community.


✏️ Drawing prompts and live sessions for everyone. 🐢 Easily excited by art materials and drawing animals. ✨ Keeping you reaching for pencils instead of your phone.