Wow, what a fun June that was! July is full of promise too. I’m excited!
Live Sessions
Double Trouble with Naomi Tipping & Shivam Choudhary Replay - Two incredible artists demo techniques and we all practice together.
Drawing Sneaky Art with Nishant Jain - Nishant shares incredible drawing tips for sketching in public.
Coworking with Sarah & Beth - The chatty portion of our session. We cover all sorts of topics, like scanners, digital tools, and pink paints.
Prompts and Process
Inviting your non-dominant hand to the party - Exercises to reclaim the childlike wonder the grown-up world takes from us.Â
A playful art practice - Removing the pressure to perform by drawing over old work.
CREATIVE.INSPIRED.HAPPY podcast interview - Evelyn Skye interviewed me about my creative process and how I got into illustration.
Human Intelligence Badge - A scrappy badge and drawing challenge to honor human creativity. It’s a movement!Â
Drawing with Shivam Choudhary - A joyful adventure of color, texture, and story. Prepare to be inspired!
What’s coming?
Two guest artist cohosts! We’re drawing owls with Katie Moody on June 5 and the mysterious Bigfoot with TJ Marston on July 9! Sign up for those here and add to your calendar!
Coworking with Sarah - It’s two days after my last final art deadline, so I’ll be READY to ROCK some dummy books.
Deciding what to draw - Tips to get started on location, at home, and from a photo.
Ugly drawing bag update - I’ve got to pack for my trip across the pond! Of course, I’m taking you with me. Here’s what I packed last year.
Picture book final art and feedback - I can’t share the specifics quite yet, but I will happily divulge all the things I’m learning as I apply them to my practice for my next books!
Talk to me!
I really love our cohosted sessions. Is there someone you’d like to draw with? Let me know in the comments and I’ll invite them!
Also maybe possibly Art Hang Party at some point? ðŸ¤
I’d like to draw with you 😇😄
But also, I absolutely loved the session with Marie-Noëlle Wurm, it would be great to see a session with her. And I love Sophie McPike, her work is really colourful, scribbly and so inspiring!