What is the September Refresh?
It’s a 30-day program I designed to deliver a daily activity to your inbox during our 1-month pause.
How it works:
You’ll get a drawing demo one day, then a session replay the next, so you can practice the lesson what was covered.
Bonus game!
I’ve planted secret words in several of the emails. If you DM me with 3 of the secret words, you’ll get a month of complimentary membership!
Opt in here (You may need to log in first) by switching on “September Refreshments.” You’ll get a daily email with either a session replay, drawing demo/prompt, or art experiment for you to try!
Our member chat will switch to paid-members only during this month, creating a smaller, more private space to share work and chat.
You’ll need to be a paid member before September 1 for the lessons to be unlocked for you. (Substack’s rules, not mine. Sorry!)
If you have questions, I'd love to answer them. Ask away in the comments or reply to this email! 😄
I did iiiiiitttt