Where did you start your first social media account? The 2nd comment wins a month of membership or an Introvert Drawing Club sticker for your sketchbook or journal!

Friendster was my first social media account!

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It was greytalk.com, a forum for people with ex-racing greyhounds. It also became my most useful marketing tool, setting me up in a niche (pet portraits, mostly greyhounds) that allowed me to grow into others with a loyal following. 👍

Although, i guess i was using usenet discussion groups before that.

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That's a long time ago! I joined Bibo back when I was 17. (I think that's what it was called, but I'm not certain.) I barely remember it.

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I've never heard of Bibo! Was that something only cool kids had? Before Myspace, right? Please DM or email me your address so I can send you a sticker! 💐🐢

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Hah! I doubt that. It may have been quite a local thing. I'm pretty sure MySpace already existed, but it didn't appeal to anyone I knew for some reason.

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Oh! I looked it up: "The website, at the height of its popularity, overtook Myspace to become the most widely used social networking website in the United Kingdom, eventually registering at least 10.7 million unique users." From Wikipedia. 😁

You're excited about spreading those stickers around, aren't you? 😄

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My first social media account was LiveJournal (does that count? - if not, then boring ol' Facebook). 😉

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