I’ll never forget the humiliation I felt when a former boss gaslit me about the number of letters in the alphabet. My face turned beet red and my heart raced as I nodded.
“Of course, there are 27. A, B, C, D. . .” I sang in my head as he left the room.
My shame quickly turned to anger as I realized I was right when I said 26. Angry about how happy he was to have corrected me. But mostly mad that I didn’t speak up.
Confidence is a constant struggle for so many of us folks in the workplace and it can be exhausting.
If you’re dealing with it today, then I want you to know you’re not alone. And the next time someone tries to make you feel stupid, think about the fool who's out there feeling like a badass, believing there are 27 letters in the English alphabet.
You’re better than he is.