✏️ Live sessions to try this week
A roundup of online drawing sessions, workshops, and creative conversations
It’s the last day for free trials! Comment YES to get a week of membership for free.
Isn’t it cool we can draw together across the globe? Here’s a handy time zone converter to help get you there on time!
GUSTAV KLIMT Online Life Drawing Hosted By Brianna Pham - Join us for a life drawing session themed around the brilliant artist of colour and kaleidoscopic aesthetic - Gustav Klimt! 08:00 - 10:00 GMT
Mindful Still Life Monday: guided mindful drawing with a simple seated yoga stretch warmup. All abilities are welcome!
Sarah Dyer Patreon Drawing Session - simplifying images - 10 am GMT
Patreon Drawing Session - Theme: Frosted Florals & Hibernation - 16:00 (4 PM) (also available to paid Substack members)Odd Orange Drawing Session - Woodland-themed references - 7 - 8.30 pm GMT
Art Play Date for Paid Subscribers - 8 - 9 pm GMTTHURSDAY
Patreon Drawing Session - 19.00 - 20.30 pm - Process Club and Drawing Club Tiers - 7 pm EST on YouTube & TwitchFRIDAY
I ransacked the internet and couldn’t find any live sessions! Take your sketchbook on a date or catch up on replays if you’re stuck at home.
London Drawing -Life Drawing Live Stream 368: Buyka - Pure energy with the dynamic force that is Buyka life from London- a tutor-led session for all abilities!
✏️ Do you host drawing sessions or creative workshops? I’d love to include you! Leave details in the comments, and I’ll do my best to add them.
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Yes, please and thank you! ☺️