You know that thrill of getting fancy new art supplies?
I had that feeling when my first box of beautiful Blackwing pencils arrived. All my favorite artists used them. I KNEW they'd make me better at drawing.
My joy faded the instant I put them to paper. I HATED every single drawing I made with them!
Here's what those pencils taught me:
I was SUPPOSED to hate those drawings. They were part of the journey.
I needed to practice foundational skills.
My brain gets lost in the details when I draw in line.
Just because someone I love enjoys a tool doesn’t mean I will.
There are plenty of other techniques, tricks and tools that could create a more joyful drawing experience.
There's a reason grownups want us to try a variety of foods when we're toddlers. They love us and want us to be happy, well-rounded eaters. Well, I love you and want you to be a happy, well-rounded artist!
I demonstrate how I draw using shapes in the video below. Then I manage to draw in actual lines. There is hope!
Maybe I’ll dust off that box of Blackwing Pencils in an upcoming drawing session!
Drawing Prompt:
Draw a thing by blocking in the color of the shape
Draw the same thing again using lines only
Draw the thing again using negative space (I love negative space so much, I made a whole video about it for paid members! And hosted an entire drawing session where we focus on negative space first!)