Procreate, Pit Bulls, and Sean in 60 Seconds.
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Sketchbook, meet Procreate

I've always thought of my sketchbook and tablet as separate entities. The work I make in each one looks so different to me. Why would I mix them?
That was before I took a photo of my sketchbook, popped in into Procreate, added a layer and then played for 15 or 20 minutes. It was super easy and fun! I'll make a proper post on Patreon soon, because I must share details so others don't miss out on this method! It may become a regular part of my practice!
Sean in 60 Seconds

Here's a quick video I made about Sean. He's been staying closeby since temperatures are cooling down and I'm not mad about it.
Pit Bulls Are Lovely Zine
I finished it! You can download it for free without subscribing to anything here!

Before I forget
I’m looking forward to this with London Drawing Group on Saturday.
This drawing started going sideways, so I decided to have some fun with it.
One of my favorites from the last two weeks: La-di-frickin’ DA!
Next weekend I’m going to Sketchbook Party and I’m really excited!

I LOVE sharing my process on Patreon with the wonderful folks who support my practice. Come watch me work with all the adorable pet interruptions you can handle!
Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful weekend.

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