Thanks for drawing with me! 🐶
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Drawing dogs and cats with you was such a treat!
The Miami-Dade Animal Services & Pasadena Humane staff will be delighted with your art. Please feel free to tag them and me on Instagram, using the hashtag #letsdrawpets so I can share!
I’m posting a link to download the photos from Dropbox below. Expect a replay and adoption updates in the not-too-distant future.
Another Pet Drawing Op-purr-tunity
My fur family will be modeling in a special session with Animal Life Drawing on August 24. Holly will share her process and walk you through how she develops characters based on their form, movement and character. You'll learn how she develops her drawing thoughts along an illustrative path to create some super cute and charismatic characters. Use code BETHSGANG to get 50% off!
That’s it for now. Please feel free to reach out with any feedback or suggestions for our next session. I’ll be in touch again soon!
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