Scary old art, sketchbook, and Sean the cat
It’s Friday 13th, so I thought it’d revisit some older work that makes my skin crawl!
Scary Old Art
No one is good at drawing when they start. I still think I suck some days but looking at old work shows me some growth in my skills.
I did one of those 100-day projects in 2016 and hashtagged it #100catsdoingthings. Viewer discretion: These drawings are SO UGLY, but I'm still glad they exist.
I'm not going to quote Ira Glass here, but you really do have to make a massive amount of work before the outcome matches your ambition. I'm still working to achieve that and learning to appreciate the process.
Sketchbook Shelter Kitties
Drawing adoptable cats gave me such a magical boost this week. Memphis Humane helps sick and injured pets, including many of my fosters and my first cat, Sean! I’d love to start a shelter sketchbook session once a month. We could draw dogs and cats from your hometown rescues together and talk techniques, training tips, and tell stories about our furry friends. Would you like to join? Drop me a line and I'll make it happen!
Sean the Cat
If you follow me on any social media, you know him. He's Sean. Also known as Seanny Bono, Sean P. Kitty Combs, my Seanshine, or whatever awful nickname I decide fits him at the moment. I adopted him on a bit of a whim. Who could resist a 3-legged kitten? We've been raising hell together for nearly nine years now and I fall more madly in love with him every day.
That’s it for now! Thank you for being here and being awesome.
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